20 March 2025
Salons du dessin - Perspectives parisiennes
June 23, 2023
Lucien Coutaud, le surréaliste dissident
29 may 2021
Rendez-vous de la rue de Beaune à la rue des Grands Augustins 86 galeries, 25 siècles d'art !
"Rendezvous" event
Article dedicated to our drawing by Andy Warhol, "Standing Male Torso and Legs", circa 1955
Pure line, blue jeans and zip, tight frame on male legs and the birth of a hairy torso, Andy Warhol evokes in a few lines a sensuality without repentance. The Galerie des Modernes exhibits the birth, in the 1950s, of this resolutely avant-garde motif which will run through WArhol's work from the Double Elvis to the mythical cover of the Rolling Stones.
27 mai 2021
"À la galerie des Modernes, un Warhol élancé" ("At the Galerie des Modernes, a slender Warhol" )
- Article by Maïlys Celeux-Lanval -
Beaux-Arts.com has chosen to honor 6 works to illustrate the "RENDEZ-VOUS" event including our drawing by Andy Warhol, "Standing male torso and leg", circa 1955
January 2021
La Brafa s'invite à Paris
Our pretty watercolor by André LHOTE, Ville du Nord, Bruges, 1922-1923 chosen to illustrate an article by Alexandre Crochet devoted to "Brafa in the Galleries".
May 2019
The Times - Draw Art Fair- London
Our gouache by Fernand Léger, "Rimbaud" selected and published in The Times Week end, special edition dedicated to DRAW ART FAIR, first edition and first Fair of modern and contemporary drawing in London.
May 2017
"Un Carré d'or et de lumières"
To illustrate his article on the 40 years of Le Carré Rive Gauche, Le Figaro Magazine chose our sculpture by Despiau.
May 2017
Un carré en Or - Coup d'oeil sur Saint-Tropez
Zoom on our painting of Maximilien Luce, "Le Berger observant Saint-Tropez"
February 10, 2017
Which activated your vocation ?
Parents collectors, university studies of art history, but especially my meeting with Philippe Bismuth, then expert in modern art.
But if everything was to redo, you would be ...
Curator, commissioner of exhibition, but I am very happy to exercise my job by modern art dealer, because he offers me a report favored to works of art.
Your last crush ?
A Marie Laurencin of the period Apollinaire whom we were lucky to acquire recently.
The artist/work of art which you would like to present ?
The Demoiselles d'Avignon, the founding picture of modern art.
The professional sentence which you often repeat ?
It is necessary to buy with his eyes, not with its ears.
Your last highlight ? Your project ?
The Salon du dessin, Palais Brongniart, from 22 till 37 march 2017
June 2016
"The Galerie des Modernes Opens New Exhibition Space"
interview with Vincent Amiaux by Pauline Gall
Décembre 2014-janvier 2015
Tableau de Marie Laurencin appartenant à la Galerie des Modernes en couverture de la revue hollandaise Palet
June-July 2014
"L'oiseau" by Leopold SURVAGE, 1915, collection Galerie des Modernes, reproduced on the cover of the magazine Bulletin of the SNCAO.
28th and 29th of March 2014
Tête de Femme 1936, drawing by Julio Gonzalez shown by Galerie des Modernes at the Salon du Dessin 2014 reproduced on the cover
January 15 - 21, 2014
"Au bonheur des collectionneurs", an article by Anne Rogier (photo by Marie Clérin).
December 2013 / January 2014
article "BRAFA un voyage à travers le temps et l'espace" by Liesbeth Langouche, pp. 18 à 25
October 2013
article "L'étrange mélancolie de Joël Kermarrec" by Valérie de Maulmin, p. 116
October 4, 2013
article "Joël Kermarrec" by Lydia Harambourg, pp. 232 et 234
29th of March to the 11th of April 2013
article"Dessin ancien : Une édition haute en couleurs" by Armelle Malvoisin, p.29
January 2013
In the press review "La BRAFA EN HAUT DE L'AFFICHE" by Françoise Chauvin, the watercocour by DELVAUX from the Galerie des Modernes is illustrated p. 104 Read the article
September 2012
Press review "Survage côté Sud" by Guillaume Morel, pp. 122 - 124
September 7th 2012
Press review "Gleizes - Metzinger du cubisme et après" by Lydia Harambourg, p. 154 and 156