Galerie des Modernes

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Albert Marquet

Fauvism, Landscape Painter, Portraits

  • Le Convoi - Etude de femmes (dessin recto-verso)
  • Le Convoi - Etude de femmes (dessin recto-verso)

Albert Marquet

(Bordeaux, 1875 – Paris, 1947)

Le Convoi - Etude de femmes (dessin recto-verso), Circa 1900-1904

Brush ink on paper 
Signed with initials on front lower right am
17.6 x 28 cm

Provenance :
Collection Maurice Houdayer, Paris

From 1895 to 1898, Albert Marquet and Henri Matisse were taught by Gustave Moreau at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris. Moreau encouraged his students to work on technique and to sketch street scenes. At the turn of the 20th century, Marquet's drawing became ecliptical, rapid and synthetic. He often used ink with a brush to sketch everyday scenes taken on the spot.

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